As I have suggested for months on this blog, there was no realistic probability of House Republicans passing any form of immigration reform this year.  Despite all the signs, only the most optimistic advocates were holding to a thread of hope that there might be a chance after the Republican primary elections had passed.  However, a primary election in Virginia yesterday probably proved to be the final nail in the coffin of immigration reform.  Eric Cantor, the sitting House majority leader, was defeated in his primary election by a Tea Party candidate who attacked Cantor primarily for being to amenable to immigration reform.  While many observers question the accuracy of the immigration link–Eric Cantor was no vocal proponent of amnesty–there is little doubt that nervous incumbents are going to flee from anything that might remotely lead to a Cantor-like defeat.  Which leaves any movement at all on immigration squarely on the shoulders of President Obama.  Obama has resisted and delayed executive action all spring and through the summer, hoping congressional Republicans would act before the November elections.  Now, Obama has been backed into a corner between increasingly demanding immigration advocates and the increasingly uncooperative House Republicans.  What will Obama do?